Tuesday, September 6, 2011

This Shit Isn't Supposed to Happen to My Family...

Isn't that what we all say? Or how about 'it won't happen to my family'? Have you said that one? Yeah, me too. In fact, I still say it...every time I think it can't get any worse.

I'm the sister of a heroin addict. Actually, I'm the everything of just about every kind of addict. There's addictions on all sides of me, excluding my husband and children. I continuously scour the Web looking for information and what do I get? Information the addict wants you to know...don't panic, assist with bills, don't give cash. Great. Now, what are we supposed to do to keep our sanity?

Hence the blog. Let's pull our resources, throw lifelines out to each other and figure out how to survive a heroin addict.

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